Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in Montgomery

A little small perhaps but he still looks tough!
You have no idea how heavy that belt is!!

Officer Killingsworth and Nathan - a couple of good looking fellas.

What Every Red Blooded American should be doing
on Thanksgiving Day
9 mm. I temporarily went deaf. It was crazy.

Adam shows off his skills on the 22

Nathan takes aim

I did really well - I would just like to throw that out there. I know what you're thinking - its up a little high on my shoulder but I wasn't comfortable with it any lower - I tried.

1 comment:

D said...

I love how you are all exercising your Constitutionally protected rights! I find there is nothing more relaxing than a magazine completely in the inner circle on a target! What department does Nate's brother work for?
Thanksgiving blessings and pass the bullets:)heehee
Love to you! Danielle