Thursday, April 3, 2008

She hung on too long...

Finally she's gone. She was around far too long. She's a fine young lady, but doesn't belong on the show. Now if we could just get rid of 'Dreads' and that curly haired girl who thinks she's just the funniest thing ever - we'd have ourselves some entertainment.
And who didn't just LOVE Dolly on Idol? She's GREAT! Who else can get away with wearing such amazing outfits!? No one I tell you. No one! I love that song too - "Jesus and Gravity". And she apparently thinks VERY highly of Simon - she just went on and on! HA! LOVE HER!


Jennifer Polley said...

couldn't agree more! Glad she's gone!

pap & mimi said...

I am glad she is gone, also...But I must disagree...I LOVE THE DREADS BOY... I think he is cute...Mimi