Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Day!

Looks like we'll be sleeping in our house tomorrow night. Ahhhh..... lovely! I can't wait! I will have pictures up as soon as possible.
We have to get mittens or something for Hank to wear for the first couple of days. Sox or something. And NO SHOES, People, NO SHOES!
It seems like this has taken forever, but I know it'll be worth it the first time I mop and five minutes later you can still tell. Ahhh the shine! I can't wait for the shine! And it'll actually look clean in my house! YEAH! Before it looked like I never mopped no matter how many times I did.

And this is a beautiful barn. I just thought it was lovely so I thought I would share with you all.

Jen's 'Thirty One' party is Tuesday at our house! That's going to be fun! Honestly, I'm looking forward to showing off my floors! ha! ha!

April is slowly coming to an end and getting better all the time! Next weekend we're going to Dollywood and it's Nate's birthday!! I can't wait!

Have a lovely!

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