Thursday, March 26, 2009

Until Mom and Dad (and Buck)
come for a visit!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Congratulations to Brad and Nicole! Brad asked Nicole to be his wife yesterday!!! We are so happy and excited for them! Congrats, you two crazy kids!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cataloochee Trail, NC - Sunday March 8, 2009

The Big Boss Man. He was incredible.
A cute little church in the cove. Built in 1903 and remodeled in 1929.
She was crossing the road to get over to her friends.
The ranger said she had been kicked in the side. Poor ole girl!
Ring that bell, Nate. Ring it!
In one feild we saw 19 Elk! They were beautiful!
Checking them out. I was also given the opportunity to be a tour guide. I nailed it.
This barn was in the movie 'Cold Moutain' starring Nicole Kidman.
A cool house built in 1903.
A few more of the Elk.

Hank enjoying a beautiful early Spring afternoon. He sat there for a really long time - staring at something we never did see.